Today @ 1 March 2012 @ 11.55 p.m.

Today is my brother's birthday yang ke 32 tahun...Happy Birthday Bob, May your life be filled with happiness and barakah from Allah S.W.T. always....Ameen.....

I am quite in a good mood today..wanna know why...tadi masa kat surau, when I was waiting for azan Asar, one of my colleague approached me and asked...

My fren: Fishal, I noticed your complexion now looks better la...pores pun dah makin kurang..u makan apa ek?

Me: owh ye ke...hehe...thank you for the compliment..actually I minum lactolite sekarang and on top of that, I ada minum colagen jugak, so both combination seems work on me...I pun noticed the same thing too..muka pun sekrg tak berminyak sangat macam dulu..

My fren: owh, lactolite tu apa?

Me: Lactolite tu actually minuman kultur and it helps to detox, so in a way it clean up your "internal" as well..and I went on and on...

My fren: Boleh la, I pun nak try satu gak la..

Me: Ok :))))

So, personally I do think that the lactolite drink improves my complexion a lot and many other health benefits tooooo !

Okay, that's all for the day and hope everyone will have a better day tomorrow....

Good nite & salam semua...!

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