I'M BACK...... ;-)))))

Salam to all my readers out there...

First of all, 1000 apologies for not updating my blog for the past few months...I was so busy with my works and also of course my Premium Beautiful biz... on top of that, we have new products in the market i.e. BB Plus Collagen drink and Biozone Food purifier which makes my day even busier....

Nevertheless, what I would like to share with u olllssss out there is my new ride in my life....With fixed salary earned every month and also good side income from my Premium Beautiful business....tada..........I present to you my new Baby B ride....ngeee.....was so excited when driving it for the first time....betulla orang cakap, A BMW is always in its own "class".....so very true....

When I first got my bimmer, the sales person spent for almost an hour to explain to us all the gadgets in the car....perghhhhh.....almost everything automatic...that actually explained the price..... ngeeee :-))))))

Okay...since my time is so precious...I need to stop writing here about my new ride....will share this again soon...this time I promise "soon" will be like next week...hehehehehe

I would like to share the new products that we have in the market...tada.......

Memastikan makanan yang kita makan adalah bebas dari unsur-unsur yang boleh memudaratkan kita. Insya Allah.


BIOzone Food Purifier menggunakan proses pengkhususannya iaitu menyatupadukan bahan perintang ozon bagi mengubah oksigen (O2) menjadi ozon (O3). Ozon akan kembali menjadi oksigen setelah menjalankan fungsi untuk menyingkirkan bahan-bahan pencemar. Biozone Food Purifier adalah efektif untuk:

Menyingkirkan toksin larut air, toksik larut lemak dan bakteria dalam makanan

Memulihara kesegaran makanan

Menyingkirkan bau

Ciri-ciri produk

• 100% tiub silikon bergred medikal 
• Batu seramik bergred tinggi 
• Mudah alih 
• Selamat 
• Penyelenggaraan minima

Kelebihan Proses BIOzone : 

• Selamat 
• Penjanaan ozon yang konsisten 
• Efektif 
• Memulihara nutrien makanan

Cara penggunaan

Letakkan makanan yang perlu dipurifikasi ke dalam semangkuk air. Pastikan paras air menutupi makanan. Masukkan tiub silikon bergred medikal ke dalam air dan tekan butang pengawal masa untuk menentukan masa purifikasi. 

Contact me @ 017-2944100
In next "soon", I will share the BB Plus Collagen product which is definitely a "MUST" take for every woman out there!!!!
till then...adious!

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