Korean Series followers? ;-)

Morning glory....

Hi all readers....today I just wanna share my new addiction....korean series.....hahahaha....memang dah lama gak tak layan cite korea ni since Rooftop Prince...but now I dah start follow cite Lovers Heundae (erk...betul ke ejaan dia ni)....

By the way, everytime I addicted to Korean series...I will surely start google for the actress and actors biography and their updates...haha...gile ke apa? ke orang lain pun memang camtu...

then bila tengok series tu ..duk sengih sorang2..cam kerang busuk..bila tengok drama Melayu, tak la plak layan sampai camtu....kihkih...macam syok sendiri plak...kelakar pun ada...I am just wondering what is so special about this Korean Dramas sampai kita addicted to it..and looking forward to next series...sampai sanggup rase nak beli CD tu...

that actually what happened to me during the "Winter Sonata" season...pastu bila dah balik, pasang CD...dah tak boleh gerak ke mana2...sampai 4 pagi tu layan...hahahaha.. Dulu..layan gak drama Japan...and but now dah tak layan..cam boring gituk... (for me lar...) ..Drama Japan yang paling I suka is "Beautiful Life" ..and actor dia...hmmm...apa ke nama tah..Kitamura..ke apa..tapi memang best...layan 2-3 kali pun still tangkap leleh...memang menyentuh jiwa la....

okay readers...till now...will continue with my story later...

p/s: btw, last nite I watched Justin Bieber : Never say never on Astro....gila ramai peminat...cam tahap peminat Micheal Jackson yang meroyan tu....hihih...dahsat tul aura budak ni...sekian. terima kasih!

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